ALP “lifted a weight off my shoulders”

The Aberdeen Law Project’s representation team is pleased to report that it has been able to assist a client administer to their stepfather’s estate when he died intestate.

Stepchildren do not inherit on intestacy in Scotland which meant that, as no known relatives could be identified, the Crown had a right to the stepfather’s estate. Melodi Mangan, lead advisor on the case, was able to help the client contact the Queen’s and Lord Treasurer’s Remembrancer. The National Ultimus Haeres Unit was then able to identify a long-lost relative who was able to inherit the estate, keeping it in the family.

The client said: “From the moment that we met, I felt that as though you lifted a weight off my shoulders. You provided me with very clear explanations about the legal process. You were able to work with me and you provided me with a fantastic legal backup that I would never have been able to afford. Thank you for everything that you have done, and I think that any future clients would be lucky to have you representing them.”

Melodi added: “This was an unusual case and I’m glad that we’ve been able to help guide the client through it. I joined the Aberdeen Law Project to make a difference and it’s always very rewarding to see the impact of the work we do – especially when we’ve been able to make an emotional, stressful time that little bit easier.”

ALP is grateful for continuing financial support from the University of Aberdeen Development Trust.