Meet our team: Robyn Canning


I am from Edinburgh and currently in my third year of the LLB at the University of Aberdeen. I joined ALP at the beginning of my second year.

Favourite quote?

“Though she be but little she is fierce” - William Shakespeare

I find this quote very empowering and feel it embodies the founding essence of the Project. We may only be university students, but we have the chance to make a real impactful difference.

How would you describe your experience of the Aberdeen Law Project?

My involvement with ALP has been really rewarding. I have the opportunity to help bridge the justice gap and work on initiatives I am passionate about. For instance, I launched the Empowerment Project within ALP which focuses on inequality in the workplace and how we can all work towards breaking the glass ceiling. Being a member of ALP is both a privilege and a fantastic opportunity.

Who or what inspires you?

Lady Hale – she has spent her entire career breaking barriers and has reached the very top of her profession as President of the Supreme Court. She coined the phrase “women are equal to everything” and that message really resonates with me. Having Lady Hale congratulate the Project in our tenth year of operation was a very proud moment, both professionally and personally.

Why do you do pro bono?

I made the decision to study law because I wanted to help people and make a positive contribution. Being a member of ALP has enabled me to do this so much earlier in my life than I expected. Being able to apply what I learn in a lecture to making a real difference to the people who need it most is amazing.

What advice would you give to someone considering studying law at Aberdeen?

Being 18 years old and moving away from Edinburgh to Aberdeen was daunting – I was quite homesick at the time. Making friends within the law school at the University was invaluable as they became my second family and are a true support system. ALP has proved to be a great way to make lasting friendships. I would say keeping organised and making the most of the time you have whilst studying in Aberdeen is key. The time goes by alarmingly quickly!

Where do you see yourself in ten years’ time?

I have a keen interest in pursuing a career in family law, so I hope to have secured a training contract within this field. I would love the opportunity to work in Edinburgh. I hope to continue pro bono work as I progress throughout my law career.

And lastly, what’s the dream?

I hope to remain as happy and dedicated to law as I am now when I qualify as a solicitor. Whatever I end up doing in life, I still hope to be positively impacting the community around me and who knows, I would love to leave a legacy behind like Lady Hale herself. I hope to work towards breaking barriers and the glass ceiling so that one day we live in a truly equal society.