New Patrons for the Aberdeen Law Project

The Aberdeen Law Project is delighted to announce that Margaret Ross and Ryan Whelan have accepted invitations to become patrons of the Project.

We are very pleased to confirm that Margaret Ross, Professor Emeritus at the University of Aberdeen and former Chair of the Board, and Ryan Whelan, who founded the Aberdeen Law Project in 2009, will become the Project's latest patrons in recognition of their near twelve years of service.

Anna Robertson, Chair of the Board, said: "The Aberdeen Law Project relies on the good will, time and support of many individuals and organisations, but in the last eleven years I think it is fair to say that nobody has given more to ALP than Margaret and Ryan. We are thrilled that they both will continue to actively support us - and engage in our work - by joining Lord Hope of Craighead, Lord Nicol Stephen, Dame Hazel Genn, Frank Mulholland QC, Martin Gilbert, The Secret Barrister and Dame Anne Begg as Patrons of The Aberdeen Law Project."

Victorie-Anne Gomez-Llorens and Helena Siebenrock, Student Directors, said: "We are really delighted that Margaret and Ryan have agreed to become Patrons. Their passion for pro bono is infectious and they've done so much for the benefit of others over the years. It is a real lift to start the new term with both having accepted these appointments and we are very glad to announce the news."

Adam Davies, Chair of the Highlands and Islands Law Project, said: "Margaret and Ryan have given so much of their time, energy and expertise to ALP from 2009 to now. They've been utterly dedicated. It's great to hear that they will become Patrons of ALP.

Jonathan Goodyear, Board Member, said: "I’m exceptionally pleased that Ryan and Margaret have accepted the Project's invitations to become patrons. They have played a pivotal part in the fight to close the justice gap, not only here in Aberdeen but across the country

"Ryan has categorically vetoed a piece paying tribute to his work, first on the basis that he (very happily!) isn’t dead, then on the basis that it isn't necessary, and finally with a 'no, no, I'm very grateful but no, if you want to say something, just say I'm semi-tolerable and proud to serve as Patron, albeit the least distinguished Patron in the history of the Project.

"Despite his protests, I do want to note just how grateful so many of us are to Ryan for setting up ALP and tirelessly supporting it for over a decade. Like our clients, we're glad he "dared to dream" and "took ownership" – and we're very grateful that he's continuing to support us, whilst doing even more to improve access to justice by establishing"