Annika Neukirch joins ALP's board

The Aberdeen Law Project is delighted to announce that Annika Neukirch has accepted an invitation to join the Project’s board.

We are pleased to confirm that Annika Neukirch, a senior associate in Employment at Stronachs and former student member of the Project, will be taking up her position with immediate effect.

Anna Robertson, Chair of the Aberdeen Law Project’s board, said: ‘‘Annika is a brilliant addition to the Board. She is a bright and talented member of the Scottish legal community who understands the inner workings of ALP as previously serving on the Senior Management Committee as a Student. She has proven to be invaluable to the Representation in the last number of months since joining”.

Annika Neukirch said: “Having been part of ALP during my own time as a law student, I am delighted to have now been asked to join the board. It’s fantastic to see how the project has grown and what a difference the students are able to make while developing their own skills and experience, and I look forward to being able to support such a worthwhile project together with the other members of the board”

ALP is grateful for continuing financial support from the University of Aberdeen Development Trust.