Meet our team: Sophie Reid-Kay


I’m a fourth year law student who has been involved in the Aberdeen Law Project since first year, and I am now the Treasurer of the Project. ALP has introduced me to some great friends and opportunities during my time at university.

Favourite quote?

“What’s for you, won’t go by you” - This is my favourite quote as you can apply it to any scenario.

How would you describe your experience of the Aberdeen Law Project?

Being part of ALP has been a great opportunity to apply the skills I have learnt throughout my degree in a practical context while learning things beyond what is taught in a lecture hall.

Who or what inspires you?

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez inspires me. I think it is admirable that she is so outspoken and she uses her background as a defining feature of herself rather than dismissing it.

Why do you do pro bono?

It is rewarding to know that the degree I have chosen to study can make a real difference to the lives of others and I love putting that into practice in ALP.

What advice would you give to someone considering studying law at Aberdeen?

Get involved in as many extra-curriculars as you can and get to know students across all years. It all gets better after first year. You should also join ALP!

Where do you see yourself in ten years’ time?

Hopefully in a position where I can continue to be involved in pro bono in some way or another.

And lastly, what’s the dream?

To be healthy, happy and successful.