Meet our team: Jay Elder


My name is Jay Elder. I am from Fife and I am in my third year of the Scots with English Law degree. I am the Initiative Coordinator for the Community Outreach Initiatives.

Favourite quote?

“Life is like a box of chocolates; you never know what you’re going to get.” (Forrest Gump)

I think this resonates the unpredictability of life. Life will throw things at you that you won’t be prepared for and I believe it is through these that you truly begin to live.

How would you describe your experience of the Aberdeen Law Project?

My time with the Aberdeen Law Project has been such a gratifying experience. It has strengthened my skills personally as well as my academics and throughout my numerous roles I have been able to develop and gain invaluable skills and confidence. It has been so rewarding being a part and being able to witness the amazing impact this esteemed project has on the community.

Who or what inspires you?

One person who inspires me is Denzel Washington. His drive to become successful in the film world is extremely admirable. He has broken numerous boundaries and continues to do so. His story is one of a kind and his dedication, faith and ability to see someone’s potential, which would otherwise be overlooked, is what truly inspires me. He is someone I have watched throughout my academic career and has allowed me to recognise what is achievable with a little drive and hard work.

Closer to home, my mum and dad have been truly inspiring characters throughout my life. I believe they have shaped the individual I am today. I would not be where I am today without their continued support and many words of encouragement (especially at exam time).

Why do you do pro bono?

I do pro bono as I want to be able to effect change and have a positive impact on the community. I think the Aberdeen Law Project is the best place to facilitate that. Being able to educate the community and working to empower those disadvantaged through numerous initiatives has been so rewarding.

What advice would you give to someone considering studying law at Aberdeen?

Don’t hold back! Take it in your stride. Immerse yourself in experiences and take all the opportunities made available to you. Once you get yourself settled it is an extremely enjoyable and rewarding experience. It can seem overwhelming at times, but don’t be afraid to ask for help. Most of all, don’t take it for granted. You will blink and all of a sudden you will be preparing for your final year!

Where do you see yourself in ten years’ time?

In ten years’ time I hope to be in a legal related job (not in Scotland), trying to right the wrongs of the world!

And lastly, what’s the dream?

The dream is to be well travelled, and well cultured. To have a job I am passionate about and be surrounded by friends and family.

ALP is grateful for continuing financial support from the University of Aberdeen Development Trust.
