Meet our team: Mhairi Swanson


Hello! My name is Mhairi Swanson and I’m a third year law student at Aberdeen University. I have recently been appointed Editor of the Content Team, after previously working as Lead of the Hate Crime Awareness Project.

Favourite quote?

“For there is always light, if only we are brave enough to see it. If only we are brave enough to be it”. Poetry is such a beautiful way of expression and one of the greatest ways to inspire change. I was moved by Amanda Gorman’s poem, ‘The Hill We Climb’, in particular this final line, which stood as a pertinent reminder that, even in difficult times, hope and unity will prevail.

How would you describe your experience of the Aberdeen Law Project?

I’ve been involved with ALP since my first year and I’m so glad I joined. I’ve been able to contribute to the community, from going into schools and educating pupils about the law to creating new initiatives that help empower the local community. It’s been such a rewarding experience, and has helped me meet, work with and learn from some wonderful people.

Who or what inspires you?

My parents are definitely my biggest inspirations; they’re my pillars of support and have taught me everything I know. They gave me the courage to chase my dreams and always supported me along the way. Without their unconditional love, support and encouragement, I wouldn’t be who I am today.

Why do you do pro bono?

Helping others is one of the main reasons I wanted to study law. Dealing with a legal issue can be exceptionally difficult and stressful. I don’t believe access to justice should be undermined by financial hurdles; pro-bono work provides an opportunity to bridge the gap to justice and offers a chance to do some good for those in need.

What advice would you give to someone considering studying law at Aberdeen?

Go for it! A law degree gives you a huge range of skills and is such a broad discipline that affects all aspects of life. There’s no denying it’s tough, but it’s so rewarding and gives you a platform to help others and change lives. I’ve gained so much confidence in myself and my abilities since studying law, and what better place to study than Aberdeen University, which boasts one of the top ranking law schools in the UK.

Where do you see yourself in ten years’ time?

In all honesty, I have no idea! If the pandemic has taught me anything, it’s to take one day at a time. I don’t want to put pressure on myself to ‘be at a certain place at a certain time’, but rather just see where my path takes me and hopefully enjoy the journey along the way.

And lastly, what’s the dream?

The ultimate dream is for everyone I love to be happy and healthy. I want to have a job that makes me excited to get out of bed in the morning, something that involves helping others and making the world a better place. Whatever I do, I want to be able to show the next generation of little girls that there is no limit to what women can achieve.

 ALP is grateful for continuing financial support from the University of Aberdeen Development Trust.
